book a trip

Last minute, flights, hotels, trains and tickets

Quickly leave again, then just have a look at the last minute offers,
if there is something suitable for you.

Hotels (

If you are looking for a cheap city hotel or cheap accommodation in the mountains, then I recommend

flight search engine

Here you will find flights wherever your wanderlust drives you. If you get stuck or need help, just get in touch. Then I'm sure I have the right and cheapest offer ready for you.

park and fly

park and fly

right to fly

Everyone is familiar with flight delays, lost luggage and flight cancellations. Here you have the opportunity to obtain information.

Apartment (BestApartment)

You are looking for a holiday home for your family or for a group, whether in Germany or in Europe, you will find it here. Here you will find a large selection for summer and winter.

Paul Camper

Let yourself compare the prices for the desired camper at home and abroad. Let yourself be surprised by the large selection and the great prices

Cheap car rental

Compare the prices for the desired rental car so that you can find the right offer for small cars or large buses for your next group tour.

Mietwagen Preisvergleich

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Whether a group, weekend or day ticket, you can book your planned train journey here as usual. Of course, I would be happy to offer you my help in the jungle of offers.

Cheap anywhere (Flixbus)
Center Parcs

You're undecided or haven't found what you're looking for, then just let it go to me advise
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