

Travel reports with heart, tailor-made travel offers and the right travel tips for everyone

small backpack, large backpack, hiking tour, Camino

Let's pack the backpack together, big or small, and go on a journey of discovery with me.

My journeys
Let yourself be inspired for the next trip and get some good information, such as accommodation, excursions, travel options, informative pages or tracks. If you need advice or help with planning and booking, just contact me and we'll get started.

The Marauders
Get ideas for next weekend. Whether alone or with friends. I also provide good information on contact persons, accommodation, arrival, program, etc. If you get stuck, I will be happy to help you personally with the planning. Just contact me and let's get started.

new travel reports from 2021

  • Sailing tour on the Baltic Sea
  • Camping event Stover Strand
  • Guadeloupe, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Martinique - November
  • Short trip from the North Sea to the Baltic Sea
  • Camino Primitivo 2021
  • Wispertaunus Trail 2021

new travel reports 2022

Good to know

I'm one of those people for whom the experience begins with the planning. Since I want to have as much time as possible on site, I plan and organize many things from home. I also think it's great to deal with my trip in advance. Since I only run the hiking group "The Marauders" for fun with friends and on the side and our groups are now a good size, I have to take a lot of planning time into account in advance, because a great group experience is my own requirement. This includes, for example, the planning and organization of everyone's arrival, the program, accommodation and meals. In the case of special tours, there is additional information or special packing lists. Since I've been doing this for many years, I have very good templates that I keep optimizing. Of course, I also use the internet and social media a lot.

The existing links are affiliate links / advertising. Either I get a commission for a purchase after clicking on such a link, which has no influence on your purchase price, or I got a contribution for posting the link.

Here are a few tips and apps that I really enjoy working with:

  1. Program development - brainstorming about Tripadviser or facebook groups
  2. Route planning - track recording via bikemap , on the go tour recording via Komoot
  3. special info - youtube , but also FB groups on specific topics
  4. Getting there - Rail, Car rental Enterprise (9 seater) , Cheap car rental ,
  5. flight arrival - Skyscanner (ADVANTAGE, I also get flights that are combined with different airlines and also low-cost airlines) or via our own flight database
  6. Accommodation - Airbnb, Booking.com , group accommodation
  7. special packing lists - packing list generator
  8. Catering - own Excel template

For me, these are the most important tools for developing my tours. Otherwise there are no limits to the ideas. For special areas I work together with small organizers. You can get to know some of them yourself on the active travel page.

My trips - all information at a click

Simply click on the destination for detailed information.

Here you will find a small selection of my trips. Unfortunately, it's not possible for me to work through all of them in detail, but you can find the most beautiful and impressive ones here. Other destinations on my processed list include Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Italy, France, Florida, Turkey, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Sweden and various city trips.

You can book here

Active Travel
rental car

You still need equipment for the next tour or are looking for reviews of specific outdoor items, then you've come to the right place.
There are very good prepared packing lists on the Internet to download.
Travel reading and funny advice for the big trip
In addition, various travel guides from well-known providers

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